Monday, October 3, 2011

Long Overdue!

Well I was told by a certain sister in law of mine that I should probably here it goes:

A lot of new things have been happening in my life. I was blessed at the end of July to find out that I had received a last minute slot into the Skills program in Brooklyn Park. For those of you that don't know, Skills is all of the theory and hands on training that students have to go through to become a police officer in Minnesota. I started at the end of August and have been loving it thus far. Many of my classmates are awesome people, so it's been easy to spend four nights a week with them :)

I'm deploying in 7 months! Talk about time going fast! Over the next few months, my unit will be getting administrative work done for soldiers deploying and also get our qualifications up to date. We will probably start our validation training in January. I still feel like it's a ways off, but I must say my mom had a point when she said "it will be here before you know it". I'm looking forward to the experience and spending that time away with many friends.

Other than those two things, there isn't much happening. I'm running my first marathon in 2 weeks and don't feel ready even a little bit. :S However, I trust that I have the stamina to make it to the finish line! I'm still living with my lovely brother and sister in law, Adam and Renee, and enjoying it very much. They are so much fun to be around, along with Milo, the pup.

Well, I probably should get back to studying. Until next time....... :)

P.S. my hair is getting super long and I'm very happy about that. Just thought I would let you all know :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe if I send a comment from here you will remember to put the pictures you put on face book here. :-) love you more