I just sat with my mom for 3 hours at Caribou reading the first 10 pages of our next book in Expo. It RAWKED. Let me list 5 reasons why:
1) My mother (if you don't know her) is Wise beyond her years. She knows how to direct conversations to make you really look inside yourself and figure out how you can use a book actively in your own life.
2) It's always great to study with someone else when your reading the same book. That way, you can talk about it and understand it better. There were certain things in this first chapter that I may have not noticed without her being there.
3) Mother/Daughter time rules. enough said.
4) It's a great way to know how to be praying for eachother.
5) I love my mom and I love spending time with her. It's as simple as that.
I love that my mom and I are in the same discipleship at the Church. I can't believe that we didn't start studying together sooner than now.
Ok mom. this blog is for you. :D Lets study again soon. I loved it!!!
Until next time,