Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wonderful Saturday :D

I just sat with my mom for 3 hours at Caribou reading the first 10 pages of our next book in Expo. It RAWKED. Let me list 5 reasons why:

1) My mother (if you don't know her) is Wise beyond her years. She knows how to direct conversations to make you really look inside yourself and figure out how you can use a book actively in your own life.

2) It's always great to study with someone else when your reading the same book. That way, you can talk about it and understand it better. There were certain things in this first chapter that I may have not noticed without her being there.

3) Mother/Daughter time rules. enough said.

4) It's a great way to know how to be praying for eachother.

5) I love my mom and I love spending time with her. It's as simple as that.

I love that my mom and I are in the same discipleship at the Church. I can't believe that we didn't start studying together sooner than now.

Ok mom. this blog is for you. :D Lets study again soon. I loved it!!!

Until next time,


Friday, December 18, 2009

So yes I know.....It's been a while...... 9 months to be exact. :P

Everytime I blog (I've come to realize), I always say "oh yeah I'm totally gonna start doing this once a week for sure!". That seems to NEVER happen so here it goes...... I've decided I'm not going to make this a chore, so I've decided to blog whenever I feel like I have something to say :). As I look back on this past year, many amazing things have happened within my life and also the lives of my family and friends. I love that God has given me such a wonderful family that supports me in all I do. I'm also honored to have such amazing friends. As I look into the new year, I'm looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in my life. I'm looking forward to graduating in May of 2010 and then starting skills in the fall. It's also hard to believe that I'm pretty much halfway through my discipleship at NHC! I love what God has been teaching me and also the relationships I've been building with the women that are on this journey with me. I had the privilege of being a part of my brothers celebration last weekend as he married the love of his life, and stunning bride, Renee. I loved spending tons of time with Carrie, Jake, Annika, and Eden as they spend a week in MN for the wedding festivities. I'm overjoyed that I get to spend spring break in TX with them next year :D Many amazing things have happened this year, but I plan on doing my best to make 2010 an even better year:

-Grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord.
-Invest time in my unbelieving friends and share the gospel with them.
-Succeed in school and exponential. At the same time.
-Run my first marathon. and then run another one before the year comes to an end.
-Become more of a helper to my family and also to my church.
-Go on at least one road trip.
-Read at least 4 books written by dead guys.
-Spend my summer helping out my close friend Chels, with her two little bundles of joy that are due to come into the world at the end of May.
-Spend more time having deep meaningful conversations.
-Head to Azerbaijan in the fall for a short term missions trip, if the Lord is calling me to that once again.

I know, I know it's quite a bit to tackle in a year. I have faith in my Heavenly Father, that He will teach me and give me more than enough over this next year. For now so long everyone!

With Love,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sundays :)

I love Sundays.......

I love that......

God always does something amazing to keep me going through the week.
My time in His house is always renewing and rejuvinating.
He always has something new for me to take in and learn.
I get to spend time with my mom at the front desk before fusion :)
I have the privlege of worshipping such an amazing God.
I get to celebrate His power in fellowship with other believers.

I don't think Sundays will ever stop being my favorite day of the week. :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life isn't always easy

So I've been doing my best to stay productive with looking for jobs. Craiglist has an insane amount of listings every day. I wish that finding a job was easier though at times. I had an interview on Tuesday and the woman that I spoke with sounded like she thought I was the right person for the job.... well found out today that they went with someone else. I'm just really coming to an understanding that I need to drive on no matter what. I got pretty down on myself today because of it, but remembered that God is in complete control and he has amazing plans for me. Now it's just a matter of living them out and finding out what His plans are for me!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Long over due!

Ok so recently I have felt pretty bad that I haven't blogged in like 3 months. So here we go. A lot has been going on in my life since November. I took a job up at Camp Ripley working with the PTAE (trains troops for deployment) and last week I just found out that my job is getting cut 5 months early. Within the last week, I have noticed how important it is to trust in God. I mean trust me I'm human and I have definitely have my frantic thoughts, but I'm very happy to be able to say that I push those out of my head fairly quickly. I know that God has something in store for me. The mystery is just what gets to me at times I guess. I'm looking for jobs in the cities currently which is the sweet thing about losing my job. I'm looking forward to moving back to the cities where I will be closer to my family. This has also opened up the opportunity to leave a little early for the Texas road trip (to visit Carrie, Jake, and Annika) with my father, sister, and her two little sweeties Sid and Pru. I'm looking forward to that trip very much. Something else that I am VERY excited about is I'm going to Air Assault school in April! It will be awesome I'm sure. Well I'm hoping that I will be much better about blogging in the future. Til next time.....